The new edition of our Gender pay transparency: A global guide to employer obligations is now available
At a glance
The June 2024 edition of our guide includes:
- two new jurisdictions, Croatia and Slovenia, taking overall coverage to 57 countries across Europe and beyond;
- details of the current status of local Member State implementation of the gender pay transparency directive (Directive);
- details of the likely key impacts of the Directive in each Member State; and
- information about employers’ equal pay obligations.
The new edition of our Gender pay transparency: A global guide to employer obligations is now available to our GENIE subscribers. We are delighted to reveal that this edition includes exciting new content, making it an invaluable resource for all HR and legal professionals with an interest in this area. Our guide includes:
- two new jurisdictions, Croatia and Slovenia, taking overall coverage to 57 countries across Europe and beyond;
- details of the current status of local Member State implementation of the gender pay transparency directive (Directive);
- details of the likely key impacts of the Directive in each Member State; and
- information about employers’ equal pay obligations.
This edition comes at a critical time in Europe, with initial preparatory activity around the Directive’s requirements starting to surface in many EU Member States. While there may still be nearly two years before the compliance deadline is reached, there is much to do. Businesses need to start planning for the upcoming changes which have wide-ranging ramifications, including obligations around pay reporting, provision of salary information to both employees and job applicants, and prohibitions on contractual pay confidentiality clauses.
Further, it is not just Europe which is undergoing dynamic change. Further afield, pay transparency obligations are a key focus for other legislators, including Australia, Brazil, the US and Canada. Helpfully, our guide allows our GENIE subscribers to compare and contrast the applicable laws for multiple jurisdictions at a time and generate a tailored report.
If you are a GENIE subscriber, click here to compare and contrast the latest gender pay transparency developments across the globe.
If you do not have a GENIE account, please speak to your usual DLA Piper contact. Non-subscribers can also request a copy of our summary report by contacting us.