Sweden's first report on the implementation of the pay transparency directive

11 June 2024 1 min read

By Johan Zetterstrom and Barbara Angene

At a glance

  • On 29 May 2024, the first proposal on Sweden's implementation of the EU pay transparency directive (Directive) was published.
  • The deadline for the Directive’s implementation is 7 June 2026.

On 29 May 2024, the first proposal was published on Sweden's implementation of the Directive.

The main points in the proposal include:

  • Employers must provide information to job applicants about the starting salary or its range, along with the collective agreement provisions applied by the employer for the relevant position. Such information must be provided in a timely manner to allow for an informed pay negotiations.
  • An employer must not ask an employee about their pay history during employment with another employer.
  • The Directive’s mandate for non-discriminatory recruitment processes is satisfied by the existing clauses in the Discrimination Act.

The proposal is being criticised for exceeding the requirements of the Directive. For example, it is envisaged that provisions in the Directive that only apply to larger companies should apply to all employers in Sweden.

The proposal will now be prepared by the government. The deadline for the implementation is 7 June 2026.

For further information on the gender pay transparency directive, please refer to our gender pay transparency guide.