Medical leave available to parents
Law no. 179/2023 entered into force on 26 June 2023. The new law broadens the scope of medical leave available to parents who are caring for a sick child. Where, previously, parents could take medical leave for a sick child until they reached the age of seven, this threshold is now 12 years of age. It is worth noting, however, that this amendment does not change the duration of the leave, nor the rules that are applicable in a situation where a child is disabled or has a severe disease.
Remote working provisions for parents
Law no 241/2023, dated 21 July 2023, came into force on 24 July 2023. This entitles employees, who are parents of children under the age of 11, to work remotely for four days per month. Employees benefitting from this right must be able to fully perform their work remotely, and therefore an exception to this law applies to employees where the specifics of their work activity do not allow for them to work remotely.