Changes to immigration rules will take effect on 1 July 2024

25 June 2024 1 min read

By Sara Gade Løgsted

At a glance

  • On 4 June 2024, the Danish Parliament adopted a bill on amendments to the Danish Act on Aliens.
  • The amendments to the Danish Act on Aliens will enter into force on 1 July 2024.
  • The purpose of the amendments is to make it easier for companies in Denmark to recruit employees from countries outside the EU. 


Employees from countries outside the EU can obtain a residence and work permit if they fulfil certain conditions. Several different schemes are available eg the fast-track scheme, pay limit schemes, positive lists etc. 

New rules

Amendments to the Danish Act on Aliens, which will take effect on 1 July 2024, include the following changes:

  • The existing schemes require that the foreigner / employee has a Danish bank account. However, under the new amendments, the requirement for a Danish bank account will be abolished for residence and work permits under the following schemes:
    • the researcher scheme; and
    • the fast-track scheme’s pay limit track, researcher-track, short-term track and educational track.

For the other schemes, the deadline for opening a Danish bank account is extended from 90 days to 180 days. 

  • There is a ‘job change-rule’ in Denmark which states that employees with a residence and work permit for a specific job can take up another employment before a new residence and work permit has been issued if the new application has been submitted before commencement of the new employment. This ‘job change-rule’ has been extended to include foreigners who want to change their basis of residence without changing their employment.