Amendments to the Cash Benefit Act

11 June 2024 1 min read

By Rajvinder Singh Bains and Barbara Angene

At a glance

  • In Norway, parents can opt for either a 49-week parental leave at 100% pay or a 59-week leave at 80% pay.
  • As of 14 May 2024, the Norwegian government extended the 80% pay leave by 11 days, making it a total of 61 weeks and one day.
  • The new amendment ensures equal total payment for both schemes and applies to children born on or after 1 July 2024.

In Norway, parents have the option to select the length of their parental benefit leave. There are two benefit schemes; one which offers 100% of their income over a period of 49 weeks, and one which covers 80% of their income over 59 weeks.

On 14 May 2024, the Norwegian government adopted an amendment to the existing parental pay period for those who choose to take the longer period of 80% pay. The 80% coverage has been extended by 11 days, meaning the leave is now 61 weeks and one day.

Currently, parents who choose the 80% benefit receive a lower total payment than those who choose the 100% payment. This new amendment ensures that those who select the 80% will receive approximately the same amount as those who choose the 100% benefit.

The adopted amendments to parental benefits at 80% will apply for children born on or after 1 July 2024.